Mary Astell Academy Visit London
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In October, a group of pupils and staff from Mary Astell Academy embarked on an exciting journey to London, creating memories to last a lifetime. The day began in the early hours as the group travelled by train from Newcastle to the capital.
The first stop was the historic Tower of London, where a personalised tour offered fascinating insights into its rich history. Pupils marvelled at iconic landmarks within the fortress, such as the Crown Jewels and the imposing White Tower, and learned about the intriguing stories surrounding this medieval stronghold.
Navigating London like seasoned travellers, the group explored the city on foot and by Tube, experiencing the hustle and bustle of the capital. A visit to the Houses of Parliament provided a glimpse into the heart of British democracy, while a stop at Downing Street added a political touch to the day; unfortunately, the PM was not at home!
The group also enjoyed a breath-taking ride on the London Eye, offering unparalleled views of the city skyline. From their glass pods, pupils spotted Buckingham Palace, the grandeur of St James’s Palace, the iconic Battersea Power Station, and the regal stretch of The Mall.
Throughout the day, pupils were exemplary ambassadors for MAA, displaying enthusiasm, respect, and a keen interest in the landmarks and history of London.
The visit was both educational and inspirational, showcasing the rich cultural and historical tapestry of London. The pupils returned home with a deeper appreciation of their nation’s heritage, tired but thrilled by the experience.