Confident Feedback from Prosper Learning Trust’s Nil Charge Meals Initiative
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Since January 2023, Prosper Learning Trust have been providing all of their pupils with the opportunity to receive a nil charge school meal every day. This has meant that for those pupils who do not currently receive free school meals, they receive a free lunch, paid for by the Trust.
We surveyed our parents and carers of pupils that have been accessing a nil charge meal and we received overwhelmingly positive feedback.
Many parents and carers expressed the benefit that the initiative has had on them in the current economic climate, with one explaining that it “takes away the added cost” for them. Some explained how it has impacted their family as a whole, saying it has “taken the stress off financially when you have other children that also have school meals”, or for larger families who have found it has “took the pressure off having to find extra money each term”.
"Free school meals have been great help to our household. This has helped us to keep our home warm given the expensive gas and electric. You've no idea how much this has helped us as a family." - Parent/Carer
Feedback given also mentioned how the nil charge school meals have helped pupils to “to try different foods and continue to try them at home”, as they are “always encouraged to try new foods” that they “might not have attempted previously”. One family member commented that pupils “enjoyed the variety and even started to ask to try new things, which is huge for us”.
"This initiative also gives the children an
opportunity to try different foods without worry of paying for something that they wouldn’t normally get to try." - Parent/Carer
From these responses, it is clear that the families of Prosper Learning Trust school pupils value the support that the nil charge school meals have provided and are grateful for the benefits this has brought to them and their children.
Chris Richardson, CEO of Prosper Learning Trust commented, "It is universally acknowledged that children learn better when they are well fed. Many families up and down the country struggle to meet the cost of school meals and that means that sometimes children may miss meals and go hungry. We wanted to ensure that didn't have to be the case for any of the families we work with. It is a simple and affordable gesture by the Trust but one which makes a profound difference to the children and their families as this feedback demonstrates. We continue to explore other ways in which we can help our community during these challenging times."