Catherine McKinnell MP Visits Newcastle Bridges School’s Ferndene Site
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On Thursday 14 November, Catherine McKinnell MP, Minister of State for School Standards, visited Newcastle Bridges School’s Ferndene Site for a tour of the hospital provision.
Led by academy and Trust staff, Minister McKinnell was shown the facilities that the provision offer, including a gymnasium, bespoke classrooms, and communal areas.
The focus of the visit was to help Ministers to understand Hospital Education and how it integrates with the rest of the SEND landscape. Minister McKinnell agreed to return and visit the other Newcastle Bridges School sites in the Spring Term.
Chris Richardson, Prosper Learning Trust CEO said "It was great to host Minister McKinnell's visit to Ferndene and a wonderful opportunity to share the fantastic work that goes on there with somebody in a position to influence policy in that area. I know that she appreciated the time that everybody gave up to meet with her and the insights they provided into the complex needs of the young people being supported. We have invited the Minister to return in the Spring and hope that this might be the start of a productive working relationship with the ministerial team at the DfE."