Trustee Vacancy
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Would you like to make a difference to local schools?
Prosper Learning Trust is seeking an enthusiastic new Trustee to be part of our Multi Academy Trust Board.
As a Trustee, you will support the development and strategic direction of Prosper Learning Trust. The Trust is comprised of two Alternative Provision Academies, Newcastle Bridges School, and Mary Astell Academy, both in Newcastle, and three Specialist Academies, Thomas Bewick School, in Newcastle, Harry Watts Academy, in Sunderland and Gilbert Ward Academy in Blyth.
The opportunity: Trustees are responsible for governing a charitable company and directing how it is managed and run. Trustees must also ensure that the trust complies with all legal and statutory requirements. As such, trustees are responsible for:
- determining the mission, values and long-term ambitious vision for the trust
- deciding the principles that guide trust policies and approving key policies
- appointing and appraising the senior executive leader and making pay recommendations
- working with senior leaders to develop a strategy for achieving the vision
- ensuring that stakeholders are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate
- ensuring that all schools in the trust deliver a broad and balanced curriculum such that pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education and adult life
- taking ownership of the trust’s financial sustainability and ensuring effective resource management across the trust
- agreeing the trust’s staffing structure and keeping it under review to ensure it supports delivery of the strategy
- ensuring robust risk management policy and procedures are in place and that risk control measures are appropriate and effective
What is the time commitment? The Board of Trustees meet four times per year and you will also be asked to join a Committee, which meets three or four times per year.
If you are interested in this opportunity to volunteer for Prosper Learning Trust, please complete the below expression of interest form and return to: