In this section...

Trust Governance and Marketing

This team provides the Trust and academies with services including:

  • Governance support and advice
  • Submission of DfE and other statutory returns or advice relating to these
  • Data Protection 
    • GDPR policy and privacy notices
    • Registration with ICO
    • Data protection office support and audit provision
    • Training and support
  • Legal advice sourced as required from external advisors (additional academy contribution may be required depending on the circumstances).
  • Provision of a suite of compliant policies including publication on academy websites where required, plus support for the development of school specific policies as required
  • Communication and marketing advice – websites and social media

The team look after the Trust’s day to day communications needs.  The Team is responsible for overseeing all academy websites, ensuring annual reviews of content and DfE compliance.  In this, PLT are supported by an external consultant.  The team also adds all school news stories to the relevant websites and social media, they also provide monthly insights reporting.  PR and all marketing resources are also overseen by the external consultant and the team.